A review website is a great way to share personal reviews or earn passive income easily. In the Digital world, most people buy products online and before buying they check the review or top products in that category.
You can take it as a side business that can help you to earn money easily. Affiliate commission strategy is very powerful nowadays, everyone uses it.
Mainly reviews help people to make their buying decision. Starting a review website nowadays is very useful.
Before creating a review website you just need Domain and Hosting to install WordPress. We should choose WordPress for creating our review website because-
- It is easy to use.
- Available many themes.
- Plugins for easy work
- Best for Non-Technical users.
Steps to Make the Best Review Website
Buy a Domain Name
First of all, you need a domain name or website name. Try to choose a short and pronounceable name and find a domain on the website. You can choose domain extension according to your targeted country like .us or .in but if you want to show your article normally worldwide then you should use the ‘.com‘ extension. Mostly you get your domain name free with a Hosting plan.

Choose your domain name carefully because it represents your website identity on the internet. To register a domain, first, you need to check your domain name availability. In any case, your domain name is already chosen then you should use your creativity for a domain name.

Choose your Hosting Plan
After choosing a domain name you need to choose a hosting. You can choose the Hosting type according to your budget because for beginners it’s tough to spend money. So you can buy normal WordPress hosting and after some time you can upgrade your plan to cloud hosting. For WordPress Hosting you can choose Bluehost or Hostinger.
Choose Theme or Plugins
When you are done with installing WordPress then you need to make a special interface for your website. A theme helps to make your website beautiful. Readymade themes come with all the built-in features and intuitive options. So you wouldn’t need to write code.
Many themes are available online but some themes are premium. So you can choose any theme but if you have a budget then choose a review premium theme, it helps to import the demo template and include many features which help your review site. Also, it comes with a guide. Otherwise, You can choose a free fast theme according to your need.
A plugin is like an app that helps to make work easier. You can use the Wp review Pro plugin because it will work with any theme and give you the features to add reviews to your post. Also, You can use many other plugins for review.
Some other basic plugins are also essentials like security plugins (WordFence, Sucuri, iThemes), SEO plugins (Yoast, Rank math), Analytics (Post views) plugins etc.
Adding Review in WordPress
Now you can post your review on your WordPress website. It’s a normal Process to ready your articles Prepare your article and images, post like a normal post and add some starred rating icon on the post (you can use KK star rating plugin)

You can also show your products link in a table (Wp table builder plugin) and use its shortcode on your post.

Otherwise, you can use WP Review Pro plugin and post its shortcode on your post, You can check how to use the wp review pro plugin here.
Earn Money from Review Website
You can make money from your website by using different methods on your site.
You can also use affiliate links on your website. Just write a good review and recommend the best product to your users and add your affiliate link on it. Every time users click on your link and buy a product from the website, then you earn some commission. You can choose amazon affiliate, Flipkart affiliate, cue links etc.
You can also use the advertisement method, show ads on your website, and earn money from advertisers. The Best advertising networks are AdSense or Media.net. If you earn enough from Affiliate then you shouldn’t use this.
One another option is ‘writing a paid review’. You can directly contact brands to write their product reviews. Otherwise, gain some traffic and grow your website popularity then companies will contact you to write their product reviews.
Important Points for Review Website
- Post thrice a week minimum.
- Add Rich snippet in every review post.
- In beginning, work only in one niche. After that, you can make all topic reviews.
- Add most viewed reviews in the sidebar or footer.
- Accept every guest post.
- Always write honest reviews, Don’t post wrong information.
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