What is Off-Page SEO?
SEO is one of the best technique which used to improve your website traffic and obtain a higher rank in search engine result page. SEO is divided into three parts. On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, Technical SEO.
Off-page SEO helps you to increase your website ranking in the search engine result page. It is like an action taken outside of your website and optimizes your ranking. It helps to crawl your website by search engine crawlers.

Why Off-Page SEO is Important?
Off-page SEO helps to optimize your website and achieve a higher rank in the search result page. It gives a very positive image to the users of websites and search engines. If your website visible more time then it helps to increase your visitors and make a brand (Goodwill).
Off-page SEO optimizes your external links and make a higher authority of Website. If your website has higher DA(Domain Authority) and PA(Page Authority) then your website ranks easily in search result pages. Search engines mostly prefer high DA, PA website in top results.
OFF-Page SEO Conclusion
Off-page SEO mainly depends on backlinks. If you make backlinks of your website then you do your Off-page SEO. Search engines do not believe in any new websites but If your website makes backlinks from other websites then the Search engine thinks your website is trustable because another website gives you backlinks.
If you want to make backlinks then I recommend you take backlinks from your niche website. It is more effective rather than other niche backlinks.
Parts of SEO
No-follow links and Do-follow links are a part of off-page SEO. If you want to do Proper SEO then you should make Both No-follow and Do-follow links.
No-Follow Backlinks
If anyone clicks on the backlink and didn’t reach your website then it is called no-follow links. It does not count as a link in the page’s favor, does not boost PageRank, and doesn’t help a page’s placement in the SERPs. The do-follow link created with a do-follow link HTML tag.
<a href=”http://www.google.com/” rel=”nofollow”>Google</a>
Do-Follow Backlinks
If anyone clicks on those links and reaches your website then it is a do-follow link. It does not count as a link in the page’s favor, does not boost PageRank, and doesn’t help a page’s placement in the SERPs. The no-follow link created with no-follow link HTML tag.
<a href=”http://www.google.com/”>Google</a>
Types of Backlinks
Natural Link
Natural links are those link which comes automatically (Naturally) to your website. You are not doing any worked on those links. when anyone likes your content and give your website link in own page, then natural links are generated. It is a very powerful link that helps to improve your website authority.
Build Link
When you do work to build links from other websites then it is called build backlinks.
Created Link
When your website makes links from self-submissions on directories, forums, or press releases then it is called created links.
Read also… What is On-Page SEO and Its Factors