How to Edit WordPress Basic Settings in 2024?

When you install and use WordPress first time then you should do some basic settings for your website. It’s a basic setting but it can give you many advantages. You should remember this setting for your websites.

Edit WordPress Basic Setting

edit wordpress basic setting
Edit WordPress Basic Setting

WordPress General Setting

The first section is the general setting of WordPress. Here you can add basic information

site title setting

Set the “Site Title” and “Tagline” for your site. It should be your site name or a small line about your website.

url setting

“WordPress Address (URL)” is your wp-admin dashboard URL and the other is your “Site Address (url)” you should add HTTPS if you have an SSL certificate otherwise without an SSL certificate HTTPS didn’t work. You can also add www on your site address or wp address URL.

general setting

Next is the Administration email address-  Add your main website or personal email.

Membership or New user default role option is not for normal sites, it is beneficial for subscription-based websites. Choosing site language according to your content.

Next is Date Format, Time Format, and “Week starts on”. You can easily set up these according to your country.

WordPress Writing Setting

wp writing setting

Here, you can select your default post category, If you make any post, and didn’t choose a category then an uncategorised category is added by default.

Post format can be a video, chat, status, link, gallery etc. But you should set it in a standard format.

The default editor is block editor, you should choose block editor because its upgraded version gives many advanced options in 2022. Users can be your colleague, manager etc. You can decide what they should use from “Allow users to switch editor”.

WordPress Reading Setting

WordPress reading setting

Here, you can select what your homepage display. For blogs it should be “Latest Posts” but if you don’t have blogs then you should use “A Static Page” for better presentation.

If you choose the latest post then you should maximum of 10 posts on the home page and each post should include only an excerpt. But you can choose it according to your site.

Search Engine visibility is the main thing, don’t tick this. If you don’t want to show your website on google then you can tick this option. It blocks search engine bots.

WP Discussion Setting

This setting is based on comments. You can read the full detail below the options. You should also use the Avatar option for a better user experience in the comment section.

Media Setting

It should be default but if you want to change it then you can choose your custom sizes.

WordPress Permalink Setting

This is the main setting of your posts or pages URLs. Don’t change it after posting some articles.

permalink setting

You can choose any type of URL structure but I will recommend you to choose the normal “Post name” type structure.

WP Privacy Setting

Here you can select your privacy page.

These are all basic settings but if you have any problem with making your website then you can contact Hanubo. You can change other things according to your website like your site theme.

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Manish Singh Bisht

A Professional Digital Marketer and Blogger with Experience of 2+ years. I want to share my experience and knowledge with all people.

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