Blogging is not easy work but people want to do it. Many reasons can happen why people start blogging?
A blog is a place where anyone can share information. More than 150 million blogs are online on the web nowadays because everyone starts their own blog.
In old days, when people wanted to know some information then people searching online on the web because old-time people had only limited sources of information.
Blogging Reasons?

Share Knowledge
Most of the Blogs started because people want to share their knowledge. Most People have lots of special and unique information that is shareable.
Some people have unique information that is not available everywhere then people write a blog. Because they don’t want to waste and hide that information from people.
Interested in Writing
Some people in the world are like to write. This type of person wants to use an online space for writing. They just want to write, didn’t think about the platform and traffic. Writing is their passion and hobby.
Lifestyle Shareable
Every people has their own lifestyle. Some people like to travel the world. Some collect new cars, bikes, etc. These types of people analyze things and share their experiences. Like- If I like traveling then I will write an article about my traveling experience, hotels, places.
Fame/ Popularity
When people see any successful person then they want to try that path, It’s a nature. everyone wants to be a successful person in their life. If you want to spend a special lifestyle then you should do hard work and make yourself as a successful person.
You can achieve fame and popularity from blogging like Harsh Agrawal. This is not easy work and everyone can’t achieve this. Most of the people lose in the middle. I hope you didn’t give up easily.
Making Money
It is the common reason why people blogging. You can earn money from blogging by just showing some ads and do affiliate on your website. It is the best online marketing business.
It’s not easy work, you should have some real visitors to generate money from this. Anyone can monetize their blog to earn money and follow some guidelines.
Blogging is a profitable way to do any company branding or increasing sales or service. They just write their product reviews like those features and how it works? The company Shares newly launched product information and makes its own strategy in blogging. It helps people to know about their products.
Connect with People
It can help to connect people with each other. If anyone writes about a particular niche then some niche writer can contact with those. Some niches are great to connect peoples. Ex- If I have any problem then I search online and found solutions. When I didn’t get my solution then I comment or discuss that topic in the comment or discussion tab.
Create Awareness
It is the best way to create awareness. In this type of blogger spread awareness through the blog. It gave a good effect on peoples. They make an article and share it on social media to aware people.
Gain Knowledge
It is the best method. when people learn new things then those share that knowledge blogging. This type of blog helps the blogger to learn things easily and they can easily check that topic easily online.
Read also… How to Make a Blog for Beginners?